giovedì 29 aprile 2010

Sony sta lavorando a due titoli non ancora annunciati!

With E3 right around the bend, buzz is slowly starting to build up. Earlier this year on GameTrailers TV, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton promised gamers a big E3, saying that all the Move announcements were just "icing on the cake," and that he was saving "the batter" for E3.

"We will absolutely bring the heat. There’s a lot to talk about. You gotta be at our press conference, there is a lot to talk about," said Tretton.

Perhaps two of those surprises are coming out of Sony Japan. SCEJ is working on two unannounced games, according to the LinkedIn profile of SCEJ art director Takashi Mizutani. At least one of those games is a PS3 game. The last Sony title that Takashi worked on was an Ape Escape title, so perhaps one of those games is the Ape Escape title for PlayStation Move that Sony mentioned back at Tokyo Game Show 2009?

In the past, Takashi worked on several blockbuster games at Konami, including Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Metal Gear Solid, and Zone of the Enders.

Sony's E3 press conference is slated for June 15 at 11:30 AM PST.


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